Import Libraries

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import zipfile
import shutil
import urllib2

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as dates

from urllib2 import urlopen     
import time

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from pylab import rcParams
import platform
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15, 10
import re
import os

import glob
import urllib

import gzip

import ftplib
import calendar
import datetime
from datetime import date

import pymodis

In [ ]:
import arcpy
from import *

In [ ]:
print("Operating System " + platform.system() + " " + platform.release())
print("Python Version " + str(sys.version))
print("Pandas Version " + str(pd.__version__))
print("Numpy Version " + str(np.__version__))

In [ ]:
import UBM


Potential and Actual Evapotranspiration

Download HDF Files

In [ ]:
#Download HDF Files
tiles = ['h09v05','h09v05','h09v04','h08v05']
save_path = 'H:/GIS/MODIS/'

In [ ]:
UBM.get_modis(tiles, save_path)

In [ ]:
files = UBM.get_file_list(save_path)

Reproject MODIS Data

These scripts reproject the hdf files from the wacky sinusoidal MODIS projection to NAD83 Zone 12 for analysis. In this section, the MODIS rasters are also clipped to Utah Watersheds (see image below) and the fill values are made to null values. Fill values are described in the MODIS16 documentation:

  • Fill value, out of the earth 32767
  • Water body 32766
  • Barren or sparsely vegetated 32765
  • Permanent snow and ice 32764
  • Permanent wetland 32763
  • Urban or Built-up 32762
  • Unclassified 32761
  • Reproject ET

    In [ ]:
    save_path = 'H:/GIS/MODIS/'
    In [ ]:
    path = "H:/GIS/MODIS/ET/"

    Reproject PET

    In [ ]:
    save_path = "H:/GIS/MODIS/PET/"
    In [ ]:
    path = "H:/GIS/MODIS/PET/"

    Merge Data

    MODIS data is downloaded as separate cells based on the Sinusoidal grid. Three MODIS cells cover Utah ('h09v05','h09v04','h08v05'). The following scripts mosaic (merge) the three individual rasters for each month into one seamless monthly raster for the entire state.

    Merge ET

    In [ ]:

    Merge PET

    In [ ]:

    Scale MODIS Data

    The documentation for the dataset says that the raw files have to be multiplied by 0.1 to get mm/month. To convert to meters per month, we have to multiply the raw files by 0.0001 (0.1 x 0.001) or divide by 10,000. These scripts do that division.

    In [ ]:
    arcpy.env.workspace = path
    scalingFactor = 10000.0 #convert to m/month
    UBM.scale_modis(path, out_path, scaleby = 10000.0, data_type = 'ET')
    UBM.scale_modis(path, out_path, scaleby = 10000.0, data_type = 'PET')

    Clean up GDB

    This deletes intermediate files left over from previous processing steps. For whatever reason, it take a while.

    In [ ]:
    arcpy.env.workspace = path
    for rast in arcpy.ListRasters('*c'):
        arcpy.Delete_management(rast, 'RasterDataset')
    for rast in arcpy.ListRasters('*h*v*'):
        arcpy.Delete_management(rast, 'RasterDataset')

    Fill Holes in Rasters

    This processing step fills in null values created when the fill values were removed above.

    In [ ]:
    path= "H:/GIS/MODIS2/MODIS.gdb/"
    outpath = "H:/GIS/MODIS2/MODIS16.gdb/"
    units = 'CELL'
    radius = 15
    arcpy.env.workspace = path
    def fill_holes(path, outpath, wildcard, units='CELL', radius=15):
        for rast in arcpy.ListRasters(wildcard):
            rfilled =,
                                                 , units),'MEAN'), rast)
            dsc = arcpy.Describe(rast)
            nm = dsc.baseName
    In [ ]:


    Data were downloaded using polaris:

    SNODAS ftp Download

    Alternatively, you can download from the ftp, which is slower.

    Download SNODAS TARs

    In [ ]:
    L = u'H:\GIS\SNODAS'

    Extract SNODAS Data Files

    In [ ]:

    Unzip tar files and put in unzip file

    In [ ]:
    snodasTars = glob.glob(u'H:/GIS/SNODAS/*.tar')
    for tared in snodasTars:

    Ungz gz files and delete gz files

    In [ ]:
    unsnodasTars = glob.glob(u'H:/GIS/SNODAS/SNODASUNZIPPED/*.gz')
    for tared in unsnodasTars:
        ungz(tared, deletesource=True)

    Replace header file to make compatible with ArcGIS

    In [ ]:
    for hdrfile in glob.glob("H:/GIS/SNODAS/SNODASUNZIPPED/*.Hdr"):

    Polaris Download

    Downloaded data from, which allows for clipping to an area, as well as output as GeoTiff Format. The download takes about 3 days and the unzipping takes about 2 hours.


    • Top `44.0254000046`
    • Left `-116.075366662`
    • Right `-108.375366657`
    • Bottom `36.0087333333`
    • Selected Variables:

      Snow Melt Runoff at the Base of the Snow Pack, Sublimation of Blowing Snow, Snow Pack Average Temperature, Sublimation from the Snow Pack, Snow Water Equivalent, Liquid Precipitation, Snow Depth, Solid Precipitation

      Download Format: GeoTIFF
      Output Grid: 30" (Cylindrical Equidistant)

      After unzipping files, rename them to make them easier to handle.

      From, the file abbreviations are as follows:

      • `RAIN` = `Wet Precip`
      • `SWEQ` = `Snow Water Equivalent`
      • `SNOD` = `Snow Depth`
      • `SPAT` = `Snow Pack Average Temp`
      • `BSSB` = `Blowing Snow Sublimation`
      • `SNML` = `Snowmelt`
      • `SPSB` = `Snow Pack Sublimation`
      In [ ]:
      path = "C:/Users/PAULINKENBRANDT/Downloads/NSIDC_Data"           

      Data Merge (daily to monthly)

      This merge uses geoTiff files from Polaris


      Includes snow and rain, which are provided as separate data sets in the SNOTEL data.

      Wet Precipitation

      This is a measure of the cumulative incoming rain over a month.
      Units are meters of water per month.

      In [ ]:
      UBM.snow_summary('RAIN',10000.0, monthRange = [1,12], yearRange = [2015,2015])


      This represents the "dry" precipitation that falls to the ground as snow.
      We summed daily data to create cumulative monthly snowfall.
      Units are in meters of water per month.

      In [ ]:

      Total Precipitation

      In [ ]:
      monthRange = [1,12] 
      yearRange = [2003,2016]
      g = {}
      arcpy.env.workspace = path
      arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
      for y in range(yearRange[0],yearRange[1]+1): #set years converted here
          for m in range(monthRange[0],monthRange[1]+1): #set months converted here
              my = str(y)+str(m).zfill(2)
              newdn = 'TPPT' + my
                  calc = Plus('SNOW'+ my +'SUM', 'RAIN'+ my +'SUM')


      SWE = Snow-water equivalent; This is a measure of the estimated total water content of the snow pack.
      The median is used to summarize these data.
      Units are in meters of water.

      In [ ]:
      UBM.snow_summary('SWEQ', 1000.0, 'MEDIAN', monthRange=[1, 12], yearRange=[2003, 2016])


      SNML = Cumulative monthly snowmelt calculated by summing daily snowmelt data.
      Units are in meters of water per month. Snow Melt Runoff at the Base of the Snow Pack. Units are meters of water per month.

      In [ ]:
      UBM.snow_summary('SNML', 100000.0, 'SUM', monthRange=[1, 12], yearRange=[2003, 2015])

      Snow Sublimation

      BSSB = Cumulative monthly blowing snow sublimation.
      SPSB = Cumulative monthly snow pack sublimation.
      TSSB = Total Cumulative monthly snow sublimation.
      Units are in meters of water per month.

      In [ ]:
      UBM.snow_summary('BSSB', 100000.0, 'SUM', monthRange=[9, 9], yearRange=[2016, 2016])
      In [ ]:
      UBM.snow_summary('SPSB', 100000.0, 'SUM', monthRange=[9, 9], yearRange=[2016, 2016])
      In [ ]:
      g = {}
      arcpy.env.workspace = path
      arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
      monthRange = [1,12] 
      yearRange = [2003,2016]
      for y in range(yearRange[0],yearRange[1]+1): #set years converted here
          for m in range(monthRange[0],monthRange[1]+1): #set months converted here
              my = str(y)+str(m).zfill(2)
              newdn = 'TSSB' + my
                  calc = Plus('BSSB'+ my +'SUM', 'SPSB'+ my +'SUM')

      Monthly Averages

      In [ ]:
      In [ ]:
      UBM.totalavg('SNML', monthRange=[2, 12], yearRange=[2003, 2016])

      Soil Data


      In [ ]:
      soildir = 'H:/GIS/soils/STATSGO/'
      keeplist = ['hzname', 'hzdept_r','hzdepb_r','hzthk_r','dbovendry_r','ksat_r','awc_r','wthirdbar_r',
      chorizon = pd.read_excel(soildir+'chorizon.xlsx')
      droplist = list(set(list(chorizon.columns)) - set(keeplist))
      chorizon.drop(droplist, axis=1, inplace=True)
      In [ ]:
      chorizon.columns = [str(x).strip() for x in list(chorizon.columns)]
      In [ ]:

      Get thickness of all measured horizons and calculate weighting factor for each horizon.

      In [ ]:
      chorizon['hzthk_r'] = chorizon['hzdepb_r'] - chorizon['hzdept_r']
      thick = chorizon.groupby(['cokey'])['hzthk_r'].sum().to_dict()
      chorizon['comthk'] = chorizon['cokey'].apply(lambda x: thick[x],1)
      chorizon['thickness_weight'] = chorizon['hzthk_r']/chorizon['comthk']

      Calculated weighting of each important horizon variable.

      In [ ]:
      chorizon['tw_ksat'] = chorizon[['thickness_weight','ksat_r']].apply(lambda x: x[0]*x[1],1)
      chorizon['tw_wilt'] = chorizon[['thickness_weight','wfifteenbar_r']].apply(lambda x: x[0]*x[1],1)
      chorizon['tw_field_capacity'] = chorizon[['thickness_weight','wthirdbar_r']].apply(lambda x: x[0]*x[1],1)
      chorizon['tw_dense'] = chorizon[['thickness_weight','dbovendry_r']].apply(lambda x: x[0]*x[1],1)

      Combine horizons into components. Drop na and unneeded fields.

      In [ ]:
      component_props = chorizon.groupby('cokey').sum()
      In [ ]:
      In [ ]:

      Read in component table. Keep only keys and component percent field.

      In [ ]:
      component = pd.read_excel(soildir+'component.xlsx')
      droplist = list(set(list(component.columns))-set(['comppct_r','compname','mukey','cokey']))
      component.drop(droplist, axis=1, inplace=True)
      In [ ]:
      com_props = pd.merge(component_props, component, on='cokey')
      In [ ]:
      corest = pd.read_excel('H:/GIS/soils/STATSGO/corestrictions.xlsx')
      corest.drop([u'reskind', u'reshard', u'resdept_l', u'resdept_h', u'resdepb_l', u'resdepb_r', u'resdepb_h', 
                   u'resthk_l', u'resthk_r', u'resthk_h', u'corestrictkey'], inplace=True, axis=1)
      In [ ]:
      In [ ]:
      comprops = pd.merge(corest,com_props, on='cokey')

      Combine compenents for each mukey.

      In [ ]:
      cowt = comprops.groupby(['mukey'])['comppct_r'].sum().to_dict()
      comprops['comppct_tot'] = comprops['mukey'].apply(lambda x: cowt[x],1)
      comprops['comppct_r'] = comprops['comppct_r'] / comprops['comppct_tot']
      comprops['thickness_m'] = comprops['comppct_r']*comprops['resdept_r']/100.0 # convert to meters
      comprops['ksat'] = comprops['tw_ksat'] * comprops['comppct_r']
      comprops['wilt'] = comprops['tw_wilt'] * comprops['comppct_r']
      comprops['field_cap'] = comprops['tw_field_capacity'] * comprops['comppct_r']
      comprops['dense'] = comprops['tw_dense'] * comprops['comppct_r']
      In [ ]:
      muprops = comprops.groupby(['mukey']).sum()
      In [ ]:
      dropfields = [u'cokey', u'hzthk_r', u'chkey', u'comthk', u'tw_ksat', u'tw_wilt',
                    u'tw_field_capacity', u'tw_dense', u'thickness_weight','comppct_tot']
      In [ ]:
      muprops['porosity'] = 1 - (muprops['dense']/2.65) # bulk density of material / density of quartz = percent solids
      muprops['max_soil_cap_m'] = muprops['thickness_m']*muprops['porosity'] # meters of water
      muprops['field_cap_m'] = muprops['max_soil_cap_m']*muprops['field_cap']
      muprops['wilt_m'] = muprops['max_soil_cap_m']*muprops['wilt']
      In [ ]:
      In [ ]:
      muprops.index = muprops.index.astype('str')
      In [ ]:
      In [ ]:
      muprops = pd.read_pickle('H:/GIS/soils/STATSGO/muprops.pickle')
      In [ ]:
      In [ ]:
      path = 'H:/GIS/soils/STATSGO/STATSGO.gdb'
      arcpy.env.workspace = path
      arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
      fc = 'H:/GIS/soils/STATSGO/STATSGO.gdb/gsmsoilmu_hucs'
      narray = muprops.to_records()
      arcpy.da.ExtendTable(fc, "MUKEY", narray, "mukey", append_only=False)
      In [ ]:
      path = 'H:/GIS/soils/STATSGO/STATSGO.gdb'
      arcpy.env.workspace = path
      arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
      convfields = ['thickness_m','ksat','wilt_m','porosity','max_soil_cap_m','field_cap_m']
      for field in convfields:
          arcpy.PolygonToRaster_conversion(fc, field, field, 'CELL_CENTER','', 100)


      In [ ]:
      path = 'H:/GIS/soils/SSURGO/gssurgo_g_ut.gdb'
      arcpy.env.workspace = path
      arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
      def arc_to_df(table, fieldlist):
          fields = arcpy.ListFields(table)
          return pd.DataFrame(arcpy.da.TableToNumPyArray(table,fieldlist,null_value=np.nan))
      In [ ]:
      In [ ]:
      keeplist = ['hzname', 'hzdept_r','hzdepb_r','hzthk_r','dbovendry_r','ksat_r','awc_r','wthirdbar_r',
      chorizon = arc_to_df('chorizon',keeplist)
      In [ ]:
      chorizon['hzthk_r'] = chorizon['hzdepb_r'] - chorizon['hzdept_r']
      thick = chorizon.groupby(['cokey'])['hzthk_r'].sum().to_dict()
      chorizon['comthk'] = chorizon['cokey'].apply(lambda x: thick[x],1)
      chorizon['thickness_weight'] = chorizon['hzthk_r']/chorizon['comthk']
      In [ ]:
      chorizon['tw_ksat'] = chorizon[['thickness_weight','ksat_r']].apply(lambda x: x[0]*x[1],1)
      chorizon['tw_wilt'] = chorizon[['thickness_weight','wfifteenbar_r']].apply(lambda x: x[0]*x[1],1)
      chorizon['tw_field_capacity'] = chorizon[['thickness_weight','wthirdbar_r']].apply(lambda x: x[0]*x[1],1)
      chorizon['tw_dense'] = chorizon[['thickness_weight','dbovendry_r']].apply(lambda x: x[0]*x[1],1)
      In [ ]:
      component_props = chorizon.groupby('cokey').sum()
      In [ ]:
      In [ ]:
      In [ ]:
      component = arc_to_df('component',['comppct_r','compname','mukey','cokey'])
      In [ ]:
      com_props = pd.merge(component_props, component, on='cokey')
      In [ ]:
      fields = arcpy.ListFields('corestrictions')
      fieldlist = [ for field in fields]
      droplist = [u'reskind', u'reshard', u'resdept_l', u'resdept_h', u'resdepb_l', u'resdepb_r', u'resdepb_h', 
                   u'resthk_l', u'resthk_r', u'resthk_h', u'corestrictkey']
      keepfields = list(set(fieldlist)-set(droplist))
      corest = arc_to_df('corestrictions',keepfields)
      In [ ]:
      In [ ]:
      comprops = pd.merge(corest,com_props, on='cokey')
      In [ ]:
      cowt = comprops.groupby(['mukey'])['comppct_r'].sum().to_dict()
      comprops['comppct_tot'] = comprops['mukey'].apply(lambda x: cowt[x],1)
      comprops['comppct_r'] = comprops['comppct_r'] / comprops['comppct_tot']
      comprops['thickness_m'] = comprops['comppct_r']*comprops['resdept_r']/100.0 # convert to meters
      comprops['ksat'] = comprops['tw_ksat'] * comprops['comppct_r']
      comprops['wilt'] = comprops['tw_wilt'] * comprops['comppct_r']
      comprops['field_cap'] = comprops['tw_field_capacity'] * comprops['comppct_r']
      comprops['dense'] = comprops['tw_dense'] * comprops['comppct_r']
      In [ ]:
      muprops = comprops.groupby(['mukey']).sum()
      In [ ]:
      dropfields = [u'hzthk_r', u'comthk', u'tw_ksat', u'tw_wilt',
                    u'tw_field_capacity', u'tw_dense', u'thickness_weight','comppct_tot']
      In [ ]:
      muprops['porosity'] = 1 - (muprops['dense']/2.65) # bulk density of material / density of quartz = percent solids
      muprops['max_soil_cap_m'] = muprops['thickness_m']*muprops['porosity'] # meters of water
      muprops['field_cap_m'] = muprops['max_soil_cap_m']*muprops['field_cap']
      muprops['wilt_m'] = muprops['max_soil_cap_m']*muprops['wilt']
      In [ ]:
      In [ ]:
      muprops.index = muprops.index.astype('str')
      In [ ]:
      In [ ]:
      muprops = pd.read_pickle('H:/GIS/soils/SSURGO/muprops.pickle')
      In [ ]:
      In [ ]:
      fc = 'H:/GIS/soils/SSURGO/gssurgo_g_ut.gdb/gmupoly'
      narray = muprops.to_records()
      fieldlist = list(set(muprops.columns)-set(['mukey']))
      arcpy.da.ExtendTable(fc, "MUKEY", narray, "mukey", append_only=False)
      In [ ]:
      path = 'H:/GIS/soils/SSURGO/ssurgo.gdb'
      arcpy.env.workspace = path
      arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
      fc = 'gmupoly'
      convfields = ['thickness_m','ksat','wilt_m','porosity','max_soil_cap_m','field_cap_m']
      for field in convfields:
          arcpy.PolygonToRaster_conversion(fc, field, field, 'CELL_CENTER','', 100)

      Combining Soils Data

      In [ ]:
      convfields = ['thickness_m','ksat','wilt_m','porosity','max_soil_cap_m','field_cap_m']
      path1 = 'H:/GIS/soils/SSURGO/ssurgo.gdb/'
      path2 = 'H:/GIS/soils/STATSGO/STATSGO.gdb/'
      for field in convfields:
          rfilled =, path2+field, path1+field)


      In [ ]:
      monthRange = [1,12]
      fileplace = 'H:/GIS/PRISM/PRISM'
      for m in range(monthRange[0],monthRange[1]+1): 
          testfile = urllib.URLopener()
          testfile.retrieve(""+ str(m).zfill(2), 
      In [ ]:
      testfile = urllib.URLopener()
      testfile.retrieve(""+ '14', 
      In [ ]:
      fileplace = 'H:/GIS/PRISM/PRISM/'
      In [ ]:
      def unzipper(filepath):
          import zipfile
          f = zipfile.ZipFile(filepath,'r')
      In [ ]:
      for files in glob.glob(fileplace+'*.zip'):
      In [ ]:
      monthRange = [1,12]
      fileplace = 'H:/GIS/PRISM/PRISM'
      for m in range(monthRange[0],monthRange[1]+1): 
          testfile = urllib.URLopener()
          testfile.retrieve(""+ str(m).zfill(2), 
      testfile = urllib.URLopener()
      testfile.retrieve(""+ 14, 


      Available Water

      Calculates monthly available water: $$Available\;water = Rain + Snowmelt$$

      In [ ]:
      path2 = "U:/GWP/Groundwater/Projects/BCM/Data/AvailableWater2.gdb/"
      def calc_avail_water(path, path2, months='',years='')
          arcpy.env.workspace = path
          arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
          if months == '':
              months = [1,12] 
          if years == '':
              years = [2004,2014]
          for y in range(years[0], years[1]+1): #set years converted here
              for m in range(months[0], months[1]+1): #set months converted here
                  my = str(y)+str(m).zfill(2)
                  newdn = 'AVWT' + my
                  rain = Raster('RAIN'+ my +'SUM')
                  melt = Raster('SNML'+ my +'SUM')
                  calc = rain + melt
      calc_avail_water(path, path2)

      Available Soil Water

      The calculation of excess water provides the water that is available for watershed hydrology. Available water occupies the soil profile, where water will become actual evapotranspiration,and may result in runoff or recharge, depending on the permeability of the underlying bedrock. Total soil‐water storage is calculated as porosity multiplied by soil depth. Field capacity (soil water volume at ‐0.3 megapascals [MPa]) is the soil water volume below which drainage is negligible, and wilting point (soil water volume at ‐1.5 MPa) is the soil water volume below which actual evapotranspiration does not occur (Hillel 1980).

      Once available water is calculated, it may exceed total soil storage and become runoff, or it may be less than total soil storage but greater than field capacity and become recharge. Anything less than field capacity will be calculated as actual evapotranspiration at the rate of PET for that month until it reaches wilting point. When soil water is less than total soil storage and greater than field capacity, soil water greater than field capacity equals recharge. If recharge is greater than bedrock permeability (K), then recharge = K and excess becomes runoff, else it will recharge at K until field capacity. Runoff and recharge combine to calculate basin discharge, and actual evapotranspiration is subtracted from PET to calculate climate water deficit.

      $$Available\;Soil\;Water_{t} = Available\;Water_{t} + Available\;Soil\;Water_{t-1}$$$$Available\;Soil\;Water_{t} = Available\;Soil\;Water_{t-1} - Runoff_{t} - Recharge_{t} - AET_{t}$$
      • IF Available Soil Water is greater than Total Soil Water then equation 1
      • IF Available Soil Water is between Total Soil Water and FC Soil Water then equation 2
      • IF Available Soil Water is between FC Soil Water and WLT Soil Water then equation 3
      • IF Available Soil Water is less than WLT Soil Water then equation 4
      • Current Month Soil Water becomes new Previous Month Soil Water

      Equation 1

      • Runoff = ((Previous Soil Water + Available Water) - Total Soil Water) + (If recharge > geologic K then (Recharge-geologic K))
      • Recharge = (Total Soil Water - FC Soil Water)
      • AET = PET

      Equation 2

      • Runoff = (If recharge > geologic K then (Recharge-geologic K))
      • Recharge = Soil Water - FC Soil Water
      • AET = PET

      Equation 3

      • Runoff = 0
      • Recharge = 0
      • AET = PET

      Equation 4

      • Runoff = 0
      • Recharge = 0
      • AET = 0
      In [ ]:
      from arcpy import Raster
      In [ ]:
      monthRange = [1,12] 
      yearRange = [2004,2014]
      path = "U:/GWP/Groundwater/Projects/BCM/Data/"
      field_cap = Raster(path + "Soil.gdb/fieldCap")
      wilt_point = Raster(path + "Soil.gdb/WiltPoint")
      T_soil_water = Raster(path + "Soil.gdb/Tsoilwater")
      geol_k = Raster(path + "Soil.gdb/Geol_K")
      #geol_k = Raster(path + "Soil.gdb/BMC_K")
      avail_water = "U:/GWP/Groundwater/Projects/BCM/Data/AvailableWater2.gdb/"
      pet = path+'MODIS16.gdb/'
      results = "U:/GWP/Groundwater/Projects/BCM/Data/Results.gdb/"
      def UBM_calc(results, field_cap, wilt_point, T_soil_water, geol_k, avail_water, pet, months = '', years = ''):
          arcpy.env.workspace = path
          arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
          if months == '':
              months = [1,12] 
          if years == '':
              years = [2004,2014]
          av_soil_water = field_cap
          for y in range(years[0],years[1]+1): #set years converted here
              for m in range(months[0],months[1]+1): #set months converted here
                  my = str(y) + str(m).zfill(2)
                  av_wtr = Raster(avail_water+'AVWT'+ my)
                  pet_rast = Raster(pet + 'PET'+ my) 
                  av_soil_water = av_wtr + av_soil_water
                  #Eq 1
                  av_recharge1 = "T_soil_water - field_cap"
                  recharge1 = "Con(eval(av_recharge1) > geol_k, geol_k, eval(av_recharge1))"
                  runoff1 = "(av_soil_water - T_soil_water) + Con(eval(av_recharge1) > geol_k, eval(av_recharge1) - geol_k, 0)"
                  av_recharge2 = "av_soil_water - field_cap"
                  recharge2 = "Con(eval(av_recharge2) > geol_k, geol_k, eval(av_recharge2))"
                  runoff2 = "Con(eval(av_recharge2) > geol_k, eval(av_recharge2) - geol_k, 0)"
                  #Eq3 recharge3 = 0 runoff3 = 0 aet = pet_rast
                  #Eq4 recharge3 = 0 runoff3 = 0 aet = 0
                  #Order of if/then is Eq 1, Eq 4, Eq 2, Eq 3
                  recharge = Con(av_soil_water > T_soil_water, eval(recharge1), 
                            Con(av_soil_water < wilt_point, 0,
                               Con((av_soil_water < T_soil_water) & (av_soil_water > field_cap), eval(recharge2),
                                  Con((av_soil_water > wilt_point) & (av_soil_water < field_cap), 0, 0))))
         + 'rec' + my)
                  runoff = Con(av_soil_water > T_soil_water, eval(runoff1), 
                            Con(av_soil_water < wilt_point, 0,
                               Con((av_soil_water < T_soil_water) & (av_soil_water > field_cap), eval(runoff2),
                                  Con((av_soil_water > wilt_point) & (av_soil_water < field_cap), 0, 0))))
         + 'run' + my)
                  aet = Con(av_soil_water > T_soil_water, pet_rast, 
                            Con(av_soil_water < wilt_point, 0,
                               Con((av_soil_water < T_soil_water) & (av_soil_water > field_cap), pet_rast,
                                  Con((av_soil_water > wilt_point) & (av_soil_water < field_cap), pet_rast,0))))
         + 'aet' + my)
                  av_soil_water = av_soil_water - runoff - recharge - aet
                  av_soil_water = Con(av_soil_water > 0.0, av_soil_water, 0.0)
         + 'asw' + my)
      In [ ]:
      from arcpy import env  
      env.overwriteOutput = True  
      env.workspace = "C:/Users/PAULINKENBRANDT/AppData/Roaming/ESRI/Desktop10.4/ArcCatalog/AGRC_SGID.sde"
      In [ ]:
      def monthly_to_yearly(path, code, yearRange='', statistics='SUM'):
          if yearRange=='':
              yearRange = [2004,2014]
          arcpy.env.workspace = path
          arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
          for y in range(yearRange[0],yearRange[1]+1): #set years converted here
              ylist = arcpy.ListRasters(code+str(y)+"*") #pick all files from raw data folder of a data type
              calc = CellStatistics(ylist, statistics_type = statistics, ignore_nodata="DATA")
              outnm = 'y'+code+str(y)
              desc = arcpy.Describe(calc)
      In [ ]:
      def summarize(path, code, statistics='MEAN'):
          arcpy.env.workspace = path
          arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
          rlist = arcpy.ListRasters(code+"*") #pick all files from raw data folder of a data type
          # arcpy sa functions that summarize the daily data to monthly data
          calc = CellStatistics(rlist, statistics_type = statistics, ignore_nodata="DATA")
          outnm = code+"_"+statistics

      In [ ]:
      path = 'H:/GIS/Results.gdb'
      code = 'rec'
      In [ ]:
      code = 'yrec'
      In [ ]:
      path = 'H:/GIS/Results.gdb'
      code = 'run'
      code = 'yrun'
      In [ ]: